No Bones About It

NutriTails has gone the extra mile to produce only the highest quality, clean, naturally-derived and organic ingredients for our treats, supplements and care products.

AND all pet care and nutrition products are 100% manufactured in the USA!

More About Our Products

Why nose, paw and elbow moisturizer?

Shea Butter is proven to help with:

  • Moisturizing snouts, paws and elbows
  • Healing dryness and cracking
  • Exposure from nature's elements
  • Irritation from indoor heating & cooling
  • Effects of aging
  • Healing after injury
Learn More About Shea Butter
  • Treats With Nutritional Value

    NutriTails treats are specially formulated to provide your pet with essential nutrients, while serving as a tasty reward for good behavior. Rewards that are also nutritional are a win-win.

  • Clean & Simple Ingredients

    High-quality, natural ingredients such as meat, fish, and vegetables that provide your pets with protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for their overall health and well-being.

  • Safe & Trusted - Made in USA

    100% Made in the USA means strict quality controls and regulatory oversight than 'big brand' treats made overseas. This ensures safe, high-quality ingredients and reduces the risk of contamination or harmful substances.

  • Maximizing Joint Health in Dogs with Glucosamin...

    As our furry companions age, joint health becomes a crucial concern. Joint issues, such as osteoarthritis, can lead to discomfort and reduced mobility, affecting the quality of life for dogs....

    Maximizing Joint Health in Dogs with Glucosamin...

    As our furry companions age, joint health becomes a crucial concern. Joint issues, such as osteoarthritis, can lead to discomfort and reduced mobility, affecting the quality of life for dogs....

  • Benefits of Natural Ingredients

    Benefits of Natural Ingredients

    When it comes to our canine companions, their health and happiness are top priorities. Just as we strive to nourish ourselves with wholesome foods, the same principle applies to our...

    Benefits of Natural Ingredients

    When it comes to our canine companions, their health and happiness are top priorities. Just as we strive to nourish ourselves with wholesome foods, the same principle applies to our...